Wall Street Survivor Stock Simulator Review

Wall Street Survivor (WSS) is an ideal place to learn trade and practice strategies on stocks and options.
To be more precise, it is an educational as well as competition-based simulator. Here you can win real cash on winning a virtual game.
Instead of going directly to the trading, you can start with the educational modules to improve your trading knowledge and strengthen your strategy making.
The report-card of wall street simulator is here.
Overall Rating:
All the features are not free. Found hidden costs in certain features.
Key Takeaways:
A place to win real cash out of fake money. Serious learners may find this as a perfect place.
Key features of wall street survivor are facile registration process, easy to follow watchlist, detailed portfolio analysis, a smart leader board, and vast educational material.
Despite all the positives, we found few drawbacks in the simulator of wall street survivor and they are subscription based advanced course materials, slightly slow execution of trades and difficulty in navigation.
Have a look to TradingKart Product - Tradingkart Stock Simulator
Wall Street Survivor Stock Market Simulator Review is calculated through below points:
- Registration Process
- Pricing
- WatchList Functionality
- Contest/ Game Feature
- Portfolio Management Capability
- Trading Options
- Ranking System
- Stock Research Module
- User Interface
- Educational Material
- Other Features
Registration Process
Rating: 4/5
Key Takeaway: Facile and fast registration process
A quick and easy registration process will make you eligible to join a course or participate in a league.
In the dashboard you can see a number of options to start with like join different courses, create/ track your watchlist, join a game, make a trade, etc.
Your initial portfolio value will be of $100,000. You can sign up through your Facebook account too.

Rating: 2.5/5
Key Takeaway: Registration and joining league are free while concealed costs are associated with courses.
Registration and joining league are entirely free. Here basic courses are free. But access to full course comes with a price tag.
Wall Street Survivor offers a complete 3-day money back guarantee on courses purchased on the site.

Watchlist Functionality
Rating: 3/5
Key Takeaway: Watchlist is easy to create as well as monitor
Making a watchlist to track the stocks is really easy in wall street survivor.
The watchlist gives you the basic information like price performance and ask/bid prices. To explore more about the company, just click on the company symbol.

Contest / Game Features
Rating: 4/5
Key takeaway: You can either join a league or create a league and can win prizes.
You can start playing either by joining a league or by creating a new league.
Creating a new league is a single-step process. Each game will have an end date as well as a URL which you can share with your friend while inviting them.
You can give a unique identity to your league by creating a logo for that. Wining a league will fetch prices on your way while no-price leagues are also available in Wall Street Survivor.
Each month, Wall Street Survivor offers a sponsored league. The three best investors in that league win a cash prize.

Portfolio Analytics
Rating: 3/5
Key takeaway: A detail portfolio analysis is available and portfolio gets updated in no time.
In the individual portfolio, you can see how your investments in each league are losing/ gaining value.
The portfolio gets updated immediately after a trade got executed. The option to reset your portfolio is also available and on doing so, all the stocks and options in the portfolio will be removed and if you want them back in the portfolio, then you need to buy those stocks again at the market value.
There is no option to undo the reset. Portfolio Stats shows a detail break-down of your portfolio in terms of different parameters like cash-equity/ industry/ market cap etc.

Trading Options
Rating: 2.5 /5
Key Takeaway: Trades take slightly longer time to execute.
Selecting a league will make you eligible for trading.
You can conduct most of the transactions that are available in an actual market like buy/sell or short /cover.
You can even execute different types of orders like market order and stop/limit orders.
What we observed is that trades take slightly longer time to get executed during the market hours. This may be due to the heavy traffic in the site.

Leader Board
Rating: 3.5/5
Key takeaway: A detailed list is available. You can see the analysis of own performance.
You can see the list of winners of each game in the League Leaderboard.
This page also shows your rank in the league and as well as comparison of your returns with S&P 500.
Few leagues offer cash prizes for the winners while few others offer prizes like e-books and subscriptions for the winners.

Stock Research Module
Rating: 2/5
Key Takeaway: Miles to go
Nothing exceptional is there in the chart.
It’s same as that available in many other simulators. Fundamental section disappointed us the most.
There is no information on the fundamentals of the companies.
However, recommendations by Wall Street Survivor as well as by other advisers are available here. Even you can see the thoughts of other players about the company.
User Interface
Rating: 2/5
Key Takeaway: Navigation is not smooth
We met a lot of difficulty in loading each page especially during market hours when the traffic in the site was more.
This may ruin the gaming experience. Even the trades were taking a lot of time to execute. This may confuse a newbie.
Education Material
Rating: 3/5
Key Takeaway: Various tutorial, articles and videos to teach you the trading
The simulator offers various tutorials for the beginners to understand the concepts of investing and trading.
Enormous number of instructional articles and videos are present which will help busy bees, who have no time to join any course.
However, to know the advanced techniques and concepts, you need to be a paid member of WSS.

Other Features
Ranking: 3/5
Apart from regular stock games, this simulator offers cryptocurrency games.
Blogs are another feature that you’ll find in Wall Street Survivor. There are separate blog sections for investing, cryptocurrency, personal finance, education, economy, etc.
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